- CTF: BambooCTF 2021
- Category: Reverse
- Writeups
File | Content | Note |
Upload.zip | ||
-> | flag.enc | Encrypted PNG |
-> | task.pyc | Compiled python code |
Using uncompyle6
to decompile task.pyc
gives you the following file:
(lambda data, key, iv: if len(data) != 0:
(lambda key, iv, data, AES: open('flag.enc', 'wb').write(AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv).encrypt(lambda x: x + b'\x00' * (16 - len(x) % 16)(data))))(data[key:key + 16], data[iv:iv + 16], open('flag.png', 'rb').read(), __import__('Crypto.Cipher.AES').Cipher.AES) # Avoid dead code: lambda fn: __import__('os').remove(fn)('task.py'))(__import__('requests').get('https://ctf.bamboofox.tw/rules').text.encode(), 99, 153)
Reimplementing it in python code with the inFile swapped for the outFile and the encrypt swapped with the decrypt:
outerdata = requests.get('https://ctf.bamboofox.tw/rules').text.encode()
outerkey = 99
outerIV = 153
innerkey = outerdata[outerkey:outerkey + 16]
innerIV = outerdata[outerIV:outerIV + 16]
inFile = open('flag.enc', 'rb').read()
realInFile = lambda x: x + b'\x00' * (16 - len(x) % 16)
outFile = open('flag.png', 'wb')
outFile.write(AES.new(innerkey, AES.MODE_CBC, innerIV).decrypt(inFile))
Looking at the decrypted flag.png:
Opening the File in HXD and looking for the PNG ending tag IEND
we see that it appears twice, first at 0xC566A
, then again at 0x125611
Copying the bytes from after the first IEND
til after the second IEND
and saving as a new file give us: